Sunday, March 31, 2024

Frank Lloyd Wright: The father of 'organic architecture'

One of the theories or concepts of modern architecture is 'organic architecture'. The pioneer of this theory is an American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. He first used the term 'organic architecture' when discussing architecture that suits the environment.Architectural critics believe that he arrived at this concept through his mentor Louis Sullivan, who believed in the principle of 'form follows function' in architecture. They also believe that Thoreau's thinking on Transcendentalism played a significant role in helping him reach this concept.

Frank Lloyd Wright's thinking on organic architecture is an important concept in modern architecture, just as he firmly believed in the principle of 'form follows function'.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Poem: These Human Beings! This World! This Universe!

Ah! This soft breeze,
the sweet scent carried by the breeze
of beautiful flowers,
Sky larks' joyful songs and flights
from the green fields,
Ah! Ah! Ah!
How sweet!
How sweet!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Le Corbusier : "A house is a machine to live in"

Le Corbusier is one of the pioneers of modern architecture. He is a multi-talented architect and urban planner. He is a Swiss-born French citizen. Many parts of the world exhibit his architectural as well as urban planning contributions. The city planning and many governmental buildings in the Punjab province in India were designed by him. His prowess is known for art, furniture design, and writing as well.

His real name is Charles-Édouard Jeanneret. His self-talent, experience, and knowledge of subjects in the field helped him achieve success in architecture and urban planning.

"A house is a machine to live in" - this is Le corbusier's motto. This means that a house, including all its parts, is a machine designed for humans to live in.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Albert Einstein is a true genius!

Albert Einstein's birthday is March 14th. He revolutionized the concepts of space, time, and gravity. Before his theories of 'The Special Theory of Relativity' and 'The General Theory of Relativity', space and time had been considered absolute and unaffected by the motions surrounding them. That thinking changed right after his theories on relativity were published. His theories proved that space and time were not absolute but relative. Also, space and time are no longer separate entities but have become inseparable space-time. Gravity was not a force but rather the result of the geometrical distortion caused by the mass of an object on the surrounding space-time.

Stephen Hawking: A Successful Fighter for Survival

March 14th is Stephen Hawking's death anniversary date. Not only his knowledge but also his life surprised medical doctors and all of us. He was diagnosed with a neurological disease and expected to survive only another six months, but he surprised everyone by living many more decades. He even married and divorced twice, and had children. He was the father of three children.

Remembering Karl Marx

Albert Einstein revolutionized the concept of space and time. Sigmund Freud revolutionized the understanding of the human mind. Karl Marx revolutionized the meaning of history. His papers on historical materialism predict a classless society in the history of mankind where people live without a requirement for a state. Today, March 14th, is his memorial day.

Generally, history is taught based on the lives of individuals such as kings and state leaders, but that is not real history. Real history is made by people. They change the world through technology and modes of production. Historical materialism revolutionized the meaning of history. Historical materialism predicts a classless society for mankind

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Tribune, December 4,1965 (SriLanka): From the pages of Arthasastra - Hoarders, Black marketeers & Smugglers! By A.N.Kandasamy

The late A.N. Kandasamy was a writer with proficiency in both Tamil and English. He is considered one of the pioneers of Sri Lanka's progressive Tamil literature.  He was multi-talented in literature, and his contributions to the novel, short story, drama, poetry, and literary criticism are significant. His English writing cannot be ignored either. Though his life was short (1924 - 1968), his literary contributions were immense. He was also a social and political activist. The essay 'Was Hitler Another Dr. Faustus?' appeared in Tribune (an English magazine published monthly in Sri Lanka) in the Deecember 4,1965 issue.

Tribune, December 4,1965 (SriLanka): From the pages of Arthasastra - Hoarders, Black marketeers & Smugglers!  By A.N.Kandasamy

"merchants and pirates were for a long time one and the same person. Even today mercantile morality is really nothing but a refinement of piratical morality."

V. N. Giritharan's Song: "You Made Me Feel Love!"

V. N. Giritharan's Song: " You Made Me Feel Love! " - English translation of the Tamil song written by V.N.Giritharan.  Music ...