Showing posts with label Poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poems. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Modern Vikramadityan! By V.N.Giritharan (English Translation from Tamil)

English Translation from Tamil

The Modern Vikramadityan!

Who mocked from within?
Who mocked from within?

Each time, without fail,
Your laughter has become your craft.

Who mocked from within?
Who mocked from within?

Every time, it is the same—
Whether it is the laughter spreading
Across the vast expanse,
Or the illusions you create,
Or your intricate tales of cunning,
None of it is new to me.

Who mocked from within?
Who mocked from within?

In the layered skies of the night,
Your daring laughter echoes.
Every night, as I watch,
In the glow of the stars,
And in their strength,
I feel your presence.

Who mocked from within?
Who mocked from within?

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Poem: Prisoners of Spacetime! By V.N. Giritaran

In the vastness of spacetime, Kannamma,
I marvel at your tender heart.
In the vastness of spacetime, Kannamma,
I long to take flight, even for a moment.
In the contemplation of spacetime, Kannamma,
I dream of moments filled with joy.

Beyond the constraints of circumstance, Kannamma,
I yearn to think like him,
Who declared:
“There is no such thing as time, Kannamma,
Nor is space real in the way we perceive.”
He said only spacetime is true, Kannamma,
And I am awestruck by the heights of his wisdom.

My mind still wavers,
Unable to grasp the depths of his insights.
Tell me, Kannamma,
Have you ever wondered
How he understood it all?
I ponder this endlessly, Kannamma.
I remain in awe of it all, always, Kannamma.

True Love, the Eternal Spring! - V.N.Giritharan

Memory birds Circle around you;
I lose myself watching their flight.

The strength of your love takes hold of me,
And though I falter,
I become a bee sipping nectar
From the sweetness of your love.
That is all I need.

Memory birds Circle around you;
I lose myself watching their flight.

Friday, September 13, 2024

V. N. Giritharan's Song: "You Made Me Feel Love!"

V. N. Giritharan's Song: "You Made Me Feel Love!" - English translation of the Tamil song written by V.N.Giritharan.  Music & Voice: AI SUNO | Artwork: AI

Listen on YouTube:

You Made Me Feel Love!

You walked in dancing, and I lost myself.
You sang, and I spread my wings, thinking of you.

How, through your gaze, did such feelings
Unfold like a canvas, a wonder of creation.
They now reside deep within my heart.
I realized this with your unexpected arrival.

You walked in dancing, and I lost myself.
You sang, and I spread my wings, thinking of you.

Every moment is filled with thoughts of you.
Whether I rise or fall, it's your memory that stays.
You plowed the fields of my heart,
And with your charm, made me restless.

You walked in dancing, and I lost myself.
You sang, and I spread my wings, thinking of you.

You made me feel the emotion called love.
Because of that, my dear, you’ve settled in my heart.
You made me realize a heart that does not live for itself.
And I would say, my love, this is enough for me.

You walked in dancing, and I lost myself.
You sang, and I spread my wings, thinking of you.

Song: The Great Tree That Doesn't Wither in Life's Storm

English translation of the Tamil song written by V.N.Giritharan:
Music & Vocals: AI SUNO Art: AI 

Song: The Great Tree That Doesn't Wither in Life's Storm by V.N.Giritharan:

I am the great tree that doesn’t wither in life’s storm.
I am the unwavering, strong tree that never bows down.

Life is a vast river full of whirlpools.
In the swirling heart, I will stand firm.
What’s the use of breaking down?
What’s the benefit of falling, swept away?

I am the great tree that doesn’t wither in life’s storm.
I am the unwavering, strong tree that never bows down.

As long as I live, I will create joy.
If a great obstacle arises, I will face it.
I will not retreat to the sidelines.
I will confront it. I will swim against the current and keep moving forward.

I am the great tree that doesn’t wither in life’s storm.
I am the unwavering, strong tree that never bows down.

We only live once here.
In our life, let’s realize the good.
I won’t be shaken by mirages.
I will recognize the illusion and keep walking.

I am the great tree that doesn’t wither in life’s storm.
I am the unwavering, strong tree that never bows down.

Relentless effort is the only necessity.
That alone is the solid foundation for growth.
I will journey with this truth in my heart.
A time of great prosperity is sure to greet me.

I am the great tree that doesn’t wither in life’s storm.
I am the unwavering, strong tree that never bows down.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Poem: Ontario Science Centre: The Cool Breeze of the Concrete Jungle!

- Recently, Ontario's Minister of Infrastructure,
Kinga Surma, abruptly closed the Ontario Science Centre without any prior notice due to the condition of the roof. This poem reflects the impact of that closure. -

You are not just a land mark.
You are not just an architectural marvel.
You are an experience intertwined
With the lives of the  people,
You are an emotional mosaic.

You have been a mentor to us.
You have been a friend to us.
You have been a magician showing us wonders.
You have been an artist bringing us joy.

You are the cool breeze
In the heat-emitting concrete jungle.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Poem: These Human Beings! This World! This Universe!

Ah! This soft breeze,
the sweet scent carried by the breeze
of beautiful flowers,
Sky larks' joyful songs and flights
from the green fields,
Ah! Ah! Ah!
How sweet!
How sweet!

Monday, February 26, 2024

A Tribute to Aaron Bushnell

You are a true global citizen.
Your life is not in vain
but a beacon of hope for mankind.
Though you could have indulged
in the pleasures of modern technology,
you chose a different path.
You decided to fight for your country,
to sacrifice your precious life
for your motherland.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Poem: library!

I would say
I love that world
in many ways.
When my mind gets disturbed,
storms of sorrow blow,
and unsteadiness engulfs me.
I start my journey towards it.
Like that world journey,
no other journeys give me satisfaction.
The scenes there are beautiful.
Understanding the language of birds,
learning scientific achievements—
any amount of time I travel,
losing myself without thinking
anything in that world.
The best thing about the world is
the time ship

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Poem: An Old Bookshop Experience!

Buying books from old bookshops is
mind-pleasing and enjoyable.
The joy of purchasing from
an old bookshop
is a distinct and unique experience
compared to buying a book
from a new bookstore.
The availability of book selections is
much more limited in a new bookstore.
For example,
you can't find nicely bound
serials with illustrations
that appeared in old magazines
or comics in a new bookstore
like you can in an old one.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Camels are marvelous!

Camels never break down
and never get tired seeing deserts,
never get scared witnessing desert storms.
they love traveling long journeys.

Whenever mindstorms blow,
trapped in the whirlpool of memory,
losing boats in the mind-sea,
and swimming,
I think about camels, wishing
I were a camel.

In those moments,
I think about camels
that are tireless
in the long journeys
of turbulence.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

An Object-Oriented Program!

Falling leaves, chirping birds,
blue skies, trees, lakes, twinkling stars,
Who wrote the code of this program
of space-time
where we all function?

This program has bugs
like all other programs,
but it's exceptional
in one aspect:
It allows
its objects
to fix their bugs.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Where are you hiding, superhuman?

Concrete! Concrete! Concrete!
Walls of innocent white surfaces
that absorb the rays,
radiating flames.

Cement-coated pavements chuckle.

Spaces which lost themselves
in the warm embraces of the
valorous columns.

The hot rays seep through
the layers of air.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

A liberated bird in the empire of solitude!

I am chained in the empire of solitude.
As a slave or master?
Neither of them,
But as an entirely liberated
and adorable bird singing.

In an unfettered world,
does any ghost of distress exist?
In the world of no laws,
does melancholy exist?
The rays of light,
friends of mine,
shyly hide behind my flying.

Poem: Dimensional Barrier and the Question of God! or You Are My God!

Below us, there are Flatlanders.
Visiting their world is my preferred hobby.
Differences in dimensions benefit us,
because of this,
the world of Flatlanders always entrances me.
The reason behind this bliss is the superiority complex.
It's our weakness as well.
Is it not enough for my bliss or entrancement?

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A Request to Mother Nature!

Mother! Mother nature!
Grant me maturity
that finds Contentment
in feeling -
having is enough.

Mother! Mother mature!
I surrender to your feet
and beseech only this.

Mother! Mother mature!
Remove the profligacy of fate.
Blossom the knowledge-thirsty,
valiant mind that understands fate.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Poem:A Letter to Someone Living Extraterrestrially!

Many send a poetical messenger
to faceless humans
and eyeless figures.
However, I'm not sending
this message to them
but to you.
I have never seen you, and
I will never, ever see you.
Between us,
there are light-year-blocking walls
and the illusionary appearances of time.
But my mind is not getting tired;
the mind is not getting tired;
the mind is not getting tired.
It certainly believes that
somewhere you live.

Yes, you live –
in forests, caves, or on cold-spread mountains,
taking the first step of time
or moving through space with arrogance,
perhaps even destroying your planet
with wars due to ignorance.
Sometimes, you may be a wonderful creature
with a super mind.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Poem: Modern Vikramathithan's 'Time'

Who's laughing at me
from the inside?
Every time, this laughter
becomes your habit.
In the expanding space-time,
your laugh, the patterns created by you,
or your cunning narrative
are not new to me.

In the layers of the night sky,
looking at your adventurous laughter,
each night I feel it in the stars,
in their strengths.
But success always belongs to you.

Monday, January 22, 2024

The poet who transcended space-time! (Kannamma poem 5)

In the one-way journey of time arrow,
Is time reversal possible?
For consciousness, no barrier exists.
Yes! That is it.
No barrier exists.
Without any hesitation, it can travel anywhere.
Does time have any meaning
in existence in a quantum bubble?

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Poem: A Squirrel And I

A dancing squirrel on the branch
of a maple tree.
Through the squirrel and its joyful dance,
the beauty of creation could be felt.

What a moment of realization!

The joyful dance of this squirrel
won’t be an eternal one;
it won’t last forever.
Once it will be gone with its dance,
it will be history.

Reading and Thinking: Miguel de Cervantes' 'Don Quixote' — The First Modern Novel! — V. N. Giritaran

The first modern novel, considered a cornerstone of modern literary fiction, is the famous Spanish novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes ...