Showing posts with label Novel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Novel. Show all posts

Friday, January 26, 2024

Serial Novel: Modern Vikramathithan - Chapter Two: Urban Rain and Manoranjitham!


Lightning makes a line through the city,
engulfing it in darkness.
Thunder roars.
The rain opens up like a scene
in a silent movie.

I am looking at the rain from a nest in the concrete tree. Like scenes from a silent movie, the rain appeared to me. Rain is one of my favorite natural events. Watching it is one of my favorite hobbies. Enjoying rain is a kind of sweet and unique experience.

The relationship between rain and me started in my childhood while I sang 'come rain! come rain!' while making a paper ship and watching it sail in the rainwater falling from the gutter. It continued through my teen years, and it still continues.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Serial Novel: Modern Vikramathithan: Chapter One: I, Vikramathithan, Speak!

 Serial Novel: Modern Vikramathithan!

Chapter One: I, Vikramathithan, Speak!

My name is Vikramathiththan. People who know me well even call me 'Modern Vikramathiththan.' My short name is Vikraman, and I never get tired. Similar to Vikramathiththan, who tirelessly climbs up the murungai tree (drumstick tree) again and again without fatigue to retrieve the dead body and descends without tiring, I also face challenges tirelessly.

Each time I encounter failure, it doesn't deter me from trying again and again. In that sense, I am like him. That's why my close friends call me 'Naveena Vikramathiththan.' 'Naveena' means 'Modern' in Tamil. I never tire of trying new things, even if they result in failure. In fact, if you think that during these circumstances, I feel happy, that would be a nice thought, I believe. I don't have any objections to that.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Novella: America By -V.N.Giritharan; English Translation By: Latha Ramakrishnan; Edited By Thamayanthi Giritharan


This narrative unfolds in a corner of Brooklyn, situated on the fifth floor of a building whose total number of floors remains unknown to me. My perception of this fifth floor represents a distinctive realm within America. Amidst the allure of fashionable hairdos and fragrant flowers lies an underbelly riddled with lice, an analogy for my American journey.

America, touted as the pinnacle of democracy and affluence, initially stood as a beacon of human rights until my first-hand encounter contradicted this ideal. I often pondered whether my American experience was an aberration, juxtaposed against the successful lives led by fellow Americans of my background.

The American society seemingly offers boundless opportunities for financial gain, yet the same society was the stage for the unsettling encounters I faced. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes justice, freedom, and equality, while the Constitution emphasizes fundamental rights. However, the reality I encountered was quite different, akin to a verdant pasture on one side and the harsh truth on the other—idealism prevails until one steps foot inside.

As I pen these words, I am a young and aspiring writer, earnestly striving to carve a niche in the world of literature, while also identifying as a Tamil Canadian. Reflecting on my experiences in America, especially the three months spent in Brooklyn's Detention Camp and the subsequent year in New York City, has offered profound insights into life's truths. Despite the bitterness of these encounters, the lessons gleaned are invaluable. I dedicate these experiences to all those languishing in various American detention camps, yearning for freedom and release.

Ah, even my name slipped my mind momentarily—Ilango, a name bestowed upon me by my father, an ardent lover of the epic Silapadhikaram. Perhaps it is this literary significance embedded in my name that nurtured my inclination toward creative writing.

Reading and Thinking: Miguel de Cervantes' 'Don Quixote' — The First Modern Novel! — V. N. Giritaran

The first modern novel, considered a cornerstone of modern literary fiction, is the famous Spanish novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes ...