Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A Refugee’s Thoughts On Birds

From tiny to very large,
slow to fast,
observations taught me a lot
about birds,
about the space-time where
they gracefully fly.

Different birds fly uniquely;
behave distinctively.
Some use their knowledge to
glide through the air,
while larger ones employ air currents
to ascend skyward.

Bird observation inspires
philosophical thoughts,
filling my heart with happiness and bliss.

Roosting, nesting, and parenting
make them proud
in my thoughts.
Their lives are simple, with few tasks,
done regularly.
Through sounds and physical movements,
they communicate efficiently,
unfazed, tireless,
amid turbulent environments,
where predators wait patiently.

They carry on their existence
happily and optimistically.

In this tension-filled,
concrete jungle,
our nests are filled with materialistic aspirations.

Birds teach me about living.
Their ability to soar up and down,
right and left,
in the vast sky,
without worrying about borders
on lands far below,
expands my thinking, making it broad and wise.

Seasons determine only their migrations.
With the strength of their wings,
they can fly anywhere
they desire.

One day, if our knowledge permits,
we may fly like them;
we may even soar faster than them,
like waves, electromagnetic waves.

Until then,
I wish I could fly like them;
I wish I could spread my wings in the air
like them,
without worrying about borders, detentions
on divided lands far below.

I wish I could fly like them high in the sky.

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