Thursday, January 18, 2024

My Humble Request To The Bellicose Rulers Of The World!

This is my humble request
to the bellicose rulers
of the world.

Do you know Ashoka?

Ashoka the Great,
a great Indian emperor
who ruled the country
two thousand years ago.

He, once a warmonger,
became a great

He, once a warrior,
transformed into a great
pacifist.He fought a bloody
war in Kalinga.

A war of destruction.

A war of
great human tragedy.

Ashoka the Great,
a great Indian emperor,
witnessed the human
tragedy which he himself

Witnessing the
war and its effects,
affected him
changed him

Ashoka, a man of war,
became a man of
love; a man of

Two thousand years ago,
a war changed him
into a peace-loving
man, a Buddhist.

You Demagogues,
You Hypocrites,
You warmongers,

how many wars
have you, rulers
of the modern world,
in the name of
in the name of
in the name of
in the name of

My humble request
to you, bellicose rulers
of the world, is

When will you
a lesson
from the past;
from the story
of Ashoka,
a great Indian emperor,
who ruled the country
two thousand years ago?

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