Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea!

One of my favorite novels is Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. The protagonist, Santiago, is a memorable character. His yearning for a big catch and his imaginative conversations with the fish he captures demonstrate Hemingway's creativity. Like Robinson Crusoe and Moby Dick, The Old Man and the Sea is also a symbolic novel about human existence. In the end, when Santiago returns to shore with his prized catch, all that remains is the fish's skeleton. 

We, as humans, often pursue materialistic aspirations throughout our lives, but in the end, like Santiago, we may find that all we have left is just a skeleton.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

What a wonderful sight for self-realization

Yesterday's solar eclipse reminds us that our existence is hanging in space. A fast-moving star (the Sun), Earth, and the Moon all come into alignment in such a way as to cause an eclipse. This shows that science is the right approach to understanding our existence in the universe. 

What a wonderful sight to realize how tiny we are in this vast space-time. 

If all the warring parties in the world could truly self-analyze, then the world would be a beautiful, peaceful place to live.


Friday, April 5, 2024

Jekasirpiyan's Novel 'Mannin Kural' and the End of My Long Search!

Tamil writer, the late Jekasirpiyan, was one of my favorite writers during my childhood and teen years. I loved reading his historical and social novels, which appeared as serials in popular Tamil magazines. One of his novels was published in a Tamil Malaysian newspaper, Tamil Nesan, which I never got the chance to read.

Vinoba Bhave was an Indian philosopher and activist. His 'Bhoodan Movement' (Boodan means land gift) encouraged landowners to donate lands to his movement and distribute them to the poor. It was a popular movement in the fifties. Jekasirpiyan was attracted to this concept and wrote a social novel based on it, titled Mannin Kural (Mannin kural means the voice of the earth).

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Frank Lloyd Wright: The father of 'organic architecture'

One of the theories or concepts of modern architecture is 'organic architecture'. The pioneer of this theory is an American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. He first used the term 'organic architecture' when discussing architecture that suits the environment.Architectural critics believe that he arrived at this concept through his mentor Louis Sullivan, who believed in the principle of 'form follows function' in architecture. They also believe that Thoreau's thinking on Transcendentalism played a significant role in helping him reach this concept.

Frank Lloyd Wright's thinking on organic architecture is an important concept in modern architecture, just as he firmly believed in the principle of 'form follows function'.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Poem: These Human Beings! This World! This Universe!

Ah! This soft breeze,
the sweet scent carried by the breeze
of beautiful flowers,
Sky larks' joyful songs and flights
from the green fields,
Ah! Ah! Ah!
How sweet!
How sweet!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Le Corbusier : "A house is a machine to live in"

Le Corbusier is one of the pioneers of modern architecture. He is a multi-talented architect and urban planner. He is a Swiss-born French citizen. Many parts of the world exhibit his architectural as well as urban planning contributions. The city planning and many governmental buildings in the Punjab province in India were designed by him. His prowess is known for art, furniture design, and writing as well.

His real name is Charles-Édouard Jeanneret. His self-talent, experience, and knowledge of subjects in the field helped him achieve success in architecture and urban planning.

"A house is a machine to live in" - this is Le corbusier's motto. This means that a house, including all its parts, is a machine designed for humans to live in.

A Global Citizen's Concerns About the Polarized Current World

One thing I don't understand is why not only extremist Jewish people but also ordinary Jewish people, from billionaires to US congressme...