Monday, January 15, 2024

Yul Brynner as an Android in 'Westworld!

I watched many English Hollywood movies during my teen years while I was in Jaffna, Sri Lanka.One of the films I watched, which is still fresh in my mind, is Michael Crichton's 'Westworld,' an American science fiction-thriller. Michael Crichton wrote the story and directed the film as well. The story is about an amusement park where anyone can play with  androids from different periods, such as the Roman period and medieval period. You can select a period and play with  androids belonging to that period. This is the way I still remember the movie.

When you play with the  androids, you have a chance to kill them as well. The  androids were programmed in such a way that they never went beyond human control. In the movie, at one point, they started to act beyond human control. 

It reminds me of Michael Crichton's 'Jurassic Park,' which was screened much later in the nineties. The film was based on Michael Crichton's novel 'Jurassic Park' and directed by Steven Spielberg. That was one of the few films I watched in a movie theater in Toronto. The movie also talks about an amusement park where dinosaurs were cloned to exist. They were supposed to stay under human control but started to act on their own beyond human control. That's when problems started between humans and them.

In 'Westworld,' movie Yul Brynner portrayed an android. Still, I remember he was killed a few times, and each time he resurrected and was ready to play with another person. Yul Brynner was one of my favorites. I like his walking style and his smile. His eyes also act. When he walks, his chest stays still. The first Yul Brynner film I watched was 'The Ten Commandments,' where Charlton Heston portrayed Moses. Charlton Heston was one of my dad's favorites.

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