Saturday, May 11, 2024

A Global Citizen's Concerns About the Polarized Current World

One thing I don't understand is why not only extremist Jewish people but also ordinary Jewish people, from billionaires to US congressmen, journalists, and ordinary citizens, don't see the loss of innocent Palestinian lives in the current Israel-Gaza conflict. I am not talking about progressive Jewish people of the world. I admire them. Many Jewish scientists, philosophers, writers, and artists have provided and continue to provide valuable contributions to the world. We are all grateful to them.

Whenever I watch a video on the net or read a news article, I notice they only talk about Hamas' killings of innocent Jewish people on October 7th, 2023. They always justify the killings of over 34,000 Palestinian people and the destruction of Gaza. They don't even acknowledge the suffering of millions of Palestinian people. Why?

What Hamas did was wrong. What the state of Israel and its settlers did to the Palestinian people for many years, including the ones in the current conflict, is wrong.

Jewish people and Palestinian people should coexist peacefully. That is the only solution which benefits both. The international community wants that. All peace-loving people of this tiny planet want that. Both of your groups are small parts of this world. Your antagonistic actions shouldn't disturb the harmony of the world.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Global Citizen's Concerns About the Current Israel-Palestine Conflict!

If you look at history, the struggles of oppressed people often prevail in the end, though at times it may seem otherwise. Sometimes, armed struggles are successfully suppressed, but in those circumstances, these suppressed armed struggles pave the way for achieving a political solution later on. Often, oppressors fail to understand the struggles of the oppressed and label freedom fighters as terrorists, while they themselves may commit state terrorism that entails much higher human rights violations than those committed by the so-called 'terrorists' engaged in armed struggles.

Reading and Thinking: Miguel de Cervantes' 'Don Quixote' — The First Modern Novel! — V. N. Giritaran

The first modern novel, considered a cornerstone of modern literary fiction, is the famous Spanish novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes ...