Saturday, May 11, 2024

A Global Citizen's Concerns About the Polarized Current World

One thing I don't understand is why not only extremist Jewish people but also ordinary Jewish people, from billionaires to US congressmen, journalists, and ordinary citizens, don't see the loss of innocent Palestinian lives in the current Israel-Gaza conflict. I am not talking about progressive Jewish people of the world. I admire them. Many Jewish scientists, philosophers, writers, and artists have provided and continue to provide valuable contributions to the world. We are all grateful to them.

Whenever I watch a video on the net or read a news article, I notice they only talk about Hamas' killings of innocent Jewish people on October 7th, 2023. They always justify the killings of over 34,000 Palestinian people and the destruction of Gaza. They don't even acknowledge the suffering of millions of Palestinian people. Why?

What Hamas did was wrong. What the state of Israel and its settlers did to the Palestinian people for many years, including the ones in the current conflict, is wrong.

Jewish people and Palestinian people should coexist peacefully. That is the only solution which benefits both. The international community wants that. All peace-loving people of this tiny planet want that. Both of your groups are small parts of this world. Your antagonistic actions shouldn't disturb the harmony of the world.The USA is the most powerful country in the world. The USA should be a role model for the world. But its double standard approaches to world conflicts show its moral leadership failures. If you consider the current conflicts, more people died in a short period of time in the Israel-Gaza conflict than in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Even in the UN's Palestinian state vote, 143 countries voted yes, while only 9 countries voted no, with the USA being one of them. Not only Israel is internationally isolated, but the USA is too.

People of this globe are born innocent. As they grow up, their personality and psychology are altered due to the socio-economic and political conditions of the countries they live in and the world.

If they are taught the correct and useful approaches to solving all of their problems, they will understand them correctly. All media should help make this happen.

If you examine world history, one thing is clear: powerful nations never last long. Countries with the latest technological knowledge always lead the world. From the Greeks and Romans to Britain and the current USA, you can see this pattern. To maintain its world leadership, the USA should not only consider its own national interests militarily but also consider the world's interests morally as well.

Now we can already see changes in world politics due to the USA's approaches to conflicts. Another block, a powerful block, is emerging on the horizon. I'm talking about BRICS. Currently, BRICS is a bloc formed to conduct business among its member countries. It is planning to launch its own currency based on the new and latest technology blockchain. It encourages its members to use their own currencies instead of the US dollar.

Why did BRICS form? The main reasons are the powerful Western countries' national interest-oriented approaches to tackle socio-economic and political matters and world conflicts. Their use of economic sanctions based on their national interests instead of moral principles is another reason for the emergence of BRICS.

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