Monday, June 24, 2024

A Global Citizen's View: The West and Changing Global Realities!

The West must evolve with the times. Instead, they stick to a Cold War mentality. Their actions create unnecessary wars. One example is the Russia-Ukraine war. Ukraine was part of Russia during the Cold War. After the USSR collapsed, Ukraine became independent but still borders Russia. The West should not have interfered in the politics there. They did interfere, and what happened? Russia invaded Ukraine, and the war is still ongoing. 

Instead of addressing Russia's concerns, the West keeps escalating the situation. In the end, the opposite of what was intended happened. Now the world is divided into NATO and BRICS. The US dollar is losing its dominance as the world's major currency. The Russian leader enjoys significant support among many developing countries, including those in Africa and the Middle East. The people of Western countries are suffering the most, paying high prices for oil and essential items. Whenever the world changes, you must be ready to adapt to those changes. Many businesses have disappeared in history because they did not adapt to the changes of their time

The collapse of the USSR was the biggest achievement the West has had. They should have benefited from the end of the Cold War. Instead of taking that achievement to the next level, they have created a new Cold War, which is much larger than the old one. Now the world is divided into NATO vs. BRICS. Throughout history, one thing is clear: powerful economies dominate the world. In my view, it’s not too late for the West to adapt to the new global realities. The West has to show the rest of the world that they are not only for affluent Western countries but also for the whole world. To demonstrate that, the West has to change its double standard policies when approaching the world’s conflicts, whether they are political or economic.

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